Guide to businesses operating from Turnchapel Wharf

In the context of the Government’s COVID-19 Recovery Strategy and associated documents, it has been confirmed that many places of work can continue to operate, subject to strict compliance to social distancing and hygiene guidelines provided by the Government.

All activity should be consistent with the Government guidance regarding health, social distancing and hygiene.

ALL BUSINESSES OPERATING FROM TURNCHAPEL WHARF SHOULD UNDERTAKE THEIR OWN RISK ASSESSMENTS TO ENSURE IT IS SAFE FOR THEIR STAFF TO RESUME OPERATING.  If employees can, they should be encouraged to work from home. Your Risk Assessments should include, as a minimum, that employees can maintain a safe social distance where possible, that appropriate PPE is available, that good hygiene practices are in place, that equipment is disinfected regularly, and that it is clear that anyone who is symptomatic or suspects they have been exposed to the virus does not work or visit Turnchapel Wharf, and remains at home for the appropriate period of time following Government guidelines.

Turnchapel Wharf have taken steps to ensure that our staff and the public/communal areas of the site are safe for businesses:

Our Site Office is closed to the public, but our staff remain on duty as normal to provide assistance. Please call us on 01752 492565 or email

We will continue to maintain our high standard of cleanliness in all facilities but we cannot guarantee they will be COVID-19 virus free so please use with extreme caution and only at your own risk. Use of our free hand sanitizer and frequent washing of hands is essential. Where appropriate and safe to do so, doors may be left open to minimise the risk of cross-contamination.

On the pontoons you must maintain a 2m gap between colleagues and other businesses. Please give priority to those exiting the pontoon by moving aside from the bridgehead to maintain a 2m gap.

Please don’t congregate on the pontoons or around the site and be sure to maintain social distancing measures at all times.

Please continue to stay alert and follow all the advice from the government and from the Turnchapel Wharf team.