We recently had the pleasure to welcome British Astronaut Major Tim Peake to Turnchapel Wharf.

Major Peake met with the team behind the Mayflower Autonomous Vessel to discover how AI and automation technologies are being applied to both the space sector and the marine sector.

The visit came ahead of IBM's Think Digital Summit where Major Peake spoke with the MAS's masterminds; Brett Phaneuf, founder and CE Submergence Group and MSubs Ltd, and Rosie Lickorish, Emerging Technology Specialist with IBM Research.

Tim Peake And Ryan Bonney

During his visit, we also had the opportunity to show how we have redeveloped Turnchapel Wharf from a former Ministry of Defence site into a thriving marine business park developing cutting edge maritime technologies and autonomous projects.

Pictured: L-R, Ryan Bonney, Site Manager at Turnchapel Wharf, with Major Tim Peake.

MAS Aerial

The Mayflower Autonomous Ship

The Mayflower Autonomous Ship continues to undergo oceanographic research and testing from its homeport of Turnchapel Wharf, Plymouth.

The goal for the vessel remains to cross the Atlantic Ocean in Spring 2022 but further sea trials and local trips are planned first.

For all the updates from the MAS, visit mas400.com

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